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JAM Software - Windows Freeware

Windows Freeware

TreeSize Free


Every hard disk is too small if you just wait long enough. TreeSize Free tells you where precious space has gone to.

TreeSize Free can be started from the context menu of a folder or drive and shows you the size of this folder, including its subfolders. You can expand this folder in Explorer-like style and you will see the size of every subfolder. Scanning is done in a thread, so you can already see results while TreeSize Free is working. The Explorer context menu is supported within TreeSize, as well as the usual drag & drop operations.

Take a look at the advanced analysis and management functions of TreeSize Professional.



TreeSize Free is freeware for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7. Users of Windows 9x/ME can download the last compatible version TreeSize Free V2.1.

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TreeSize Mobile - Manage the disk space on your smartphone


Sometimes you get to a point where your smartphone runs out of disk space. The manual search for large files and folders can take a long time. TreeSize Mobile helps you to find these folders and files and enables you to remove them. The file system is represented in a tree view and it shows you the size of folders, including their subfolders. TreeSize Mobile finds the 100 biggest files and presents them in a list.

TreeSize Mobile requires Windows Mobile with .NET Compact Framework 2.0 (or higher) (contained in Windows Mobile since version 6.0).


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SmartCallMonitor Phone Monitoring Software


SmartCallMonitor is the new phone monitoring software for TAPI capable hardware like a telephone system or an ISDN card. It also monitors calls using a NCID (Network caller ID) server (which is provided by a VoIP-Box (like Fritz-Box). It automatically tries to match incoming phone calls with data stored in your Microsoft Outlook contacts to provide you with information about the caller (e.g. name, address etc.). The information will be shown in a clearly arranged datasheet.

If SmartCallMonitor cannot find matching information about the caller in your MS Outlook contacts, it can use an internet reverse search service to obtain information about the caller (via ""). With just one click, you can start a Google search directly from the monitoring software to look for further information about a call (e.g. the company's website). The detailed view shows you all information about the selected entry at a glance. With SmartCallMonitor you always know who is calling. In the integrated journal, you can filter missed calls or specifically search for a contact or a number in the call log. For missed calls, e-mail notifications and call back reminders can be created. Answered calls can be registered additionally in the Outlook Journal.

SmartCallMonitor can simplify your daily office routine by monitoring incoming calls, saving information about the caller (e.g. time and date of each call), creating call back reminders and many other features.

SmartCallMonitor V1.4 fully functional version is completely free.



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UltraSearch searches files on local NTFS drives and provides the results within just a few seconds. UltraSearch does not use a previously built index or background process, it achieves its speed by working directly on the Master File Table (MFT) of the NTFS partitions. You can enter a file name or a pattern like *.exe and often will see the results already while typing. Additional information like size and last change date will be shown for the listed files. Moreover, the Explorer context menu is available inside UltraSearch. The search results can also be printed or exported as text, CSV and Excel file.

Use UltraSearch wherever you like with the portable ZIP version.

Our software TreeSize Professional offers a custom file search where you can search for and filter by further criteria such as file size or file date.



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Heavyload is intended to stress all resources of a PC (the CPU, RAM, hard disk, network, operating system, etc.) in order to test reliability under a heavy load. This is useful for testing important MS Windows file or database servers before using them for production, or just to check if your new PC might get too hot when used intensively. To stress your PC or server, HeavyLoad writes a large test-file to the temp folder, it allocates physical and virtual memory, performs complex calculations and it draws patterns in its window.



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FileList is a command line utility that produces a list of files of the given path in the CSV format, which can be imported into a spreadsheet or database. The list includes the file name, the size, the path, the file extension, the owner of the file as well as the last access and change date and the creation date of the file. Optionally the author of MS Office documents, MD5 checksums and version information of program files can be displayed.



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SpamAssassin for Windows


SpamAssassin for Windows is a powerful e-mail filter which attempts to identify spam using a variety of mechanisms including text analysis, Bayesian filtering, DNS blocklists, and collaborative filtering databases.

SpamAssassin is a project of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) and was adapted for Windows by JAM Software. In combination with an MTA (Mail Transport Agent), e.g. Hamster or MS Exchange, it is a very effective anti-spam solution. The freeware contains, beside several modules, the following SpamAssassin components as executable files for Windows (.exe):

· spamassassin.exe (mail filter)

· spamd.exe (SpamAssassin as a server process (daemon))

· WinSpamC.exe (client for spamd)

· sa-update.exe (SpamAssassin rule updates)

· sa-learn.exe (trains Bayes filter with spam/ham mail)

Please note: SpamAssassin for Windows is not a mail router and should be watched by a service when used in a productive server. For professional use or if you need additional functionality, try SmartPOP2Exchange or Exchange Server Toolbox. Both include SpamAssassin which is already preconfigured in the installation.



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